Sunday, September 29, 2013



well my dear ones,


I’m not talking about the doll

that my sis, Diane, used to play with

when we were kids (love you, Di!);

I’m talking about a woman named

Barbie Thomas, who is a fitness competitor.


There’d be nothing super special

about that except that

this particular fitness competitor

has no arms!


Yes, due to an accident when she was

only two-years-old,

she got her arms burned to the bone by

a power transformer on which she was playing.


I heard an interview with her

where she said she wasn’t expected to live,

and her Mom prayed that,

if she was allowed to live,

God would use her in some huge way.


In one of her recent competitions,

She was named “most inspirational,”

a first for such events.


You can read about her here:


And here:


I’d say her Mom’s pray got answered

in a huge way;

Barbie is an inspiration

to never give up,

but rather to focus on the positives

in any situation.


Have a great week! =)


grace, peace, and love to you,


Monday, September 23, 2013

slow learner



well my dear ones,



I’m way behind on writing;

I’ve been struggling with some stuff.


Back in my 20s,

I felt like I had everything under control.


I’m a slow learner,

perhaps one of the slowest I’ve ever known.

Yet these days I’m starting to learn

more and more of the things

that are not under my control.


I struggle with things that most people

take for granted, like walking.

I got the word from “the man” (neurosurgeon)

that I need spine surgery

if I’d like to keep doing that.


I’m not angry with God or anything like that;

actually, the pain I go through every day

helps me to keep things in perspective.


Everyday, I meet people that actually believe

that if they could just afford to buy

some more shiny new toys

that their life would magically improve.


I have a Harley I can’t ride

and a boat I can’t use,

so I know better.

All the material stuff you could ever want

is pretty useless

if you don’t have the health

to allow you to use it.


The more I think about it,

the more I realize that

spending time with those I care about,

or having the daily privilege to

listen to some uplifting music,

is more valuable than “things.”


So each morning I tell myself,

“This is the day the Lord has made;

 We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

(that’s some pretty ancient wisdom;

 Psalm 118:24 to be more precise =>).


My wife still has MS.

Tai Chi helps to keep it under control,

but I, personally, have no control of her MS.

All I can do is pray about it,

and that I do...everyday,

before I even get out of bed in the morning.


My wife has a sign in her garden:


“Be still,

 And know that I am God.”

--- Psalm 46:10


I try to practice some of that stillness

...a little bit each day.

But as I’ve said,

I’m a slow learner.


2700 years ago,

the Hebrew prophet Isaiah noted that

God will keep in perfect peace

those whose minds are stayed upon

and trust in God.


(you can see that stated 19 different ways here:


I’m still working on that,

but like I said,

I’m a slow learner.


May you not emulate me.


Have a great week! =)


grace, peace, and love to you,
