Monday, July 31, 2017

Miss Teresa



Well my dear ones,


As I was driving to work this morning,

I took a turn onto a back road,

but as I did, out of the corner of my eye,

I saw a woman sitting by the side of the road,

in a spot where I’d seen homeless people before.


I always keep a little extra money in a pocket

on the back side of my wallet,

in case I run into someone in need.


So I pulled a U-turn,

and went over to the woman and asked,

“Hey sister, could you use some extra cash?”


Usually, people are very thankful,

and often say, “God bless you,”

but I’ve never had a reaction like I got

from this woman.

She took the money and burst into tears,

saying, “Thank you; God bless you!

And would you please pray for me?

My name is Teresa.”


I told her I would;

and I am convinced that one thing

that we’ll all regret we didn’t do more of

in this life is to pray for other people;

hence, I’m telling all y’all

(note correct use of southern expression =>)

so that if you have a minute to spare,

you might also say

a little pray for Miss Teresa.


What are her needs?

I don’t know;

they are known to God alone.

But we don’t really need to know.

We can just pray, in faith,

for God, who knows all things,

to lift up her spirit

and meet all her needs.


We pass by people everyday

who may be on the edge,

who may need help,

who may need prayer,

but we don’t know it.


Yet in this case we do. =>

So, if you can spare a minute

to pray for this woman,

thank you!


grace, peace, and love to you,


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

inmate surprise

Well my dear ones,
I haven’t said much lately
as I have had little to say.
Yet recently, I did see something heart-warming,
in fact, it was just today.
When I heard a senior citizens choir
performed at a jailhouse, I figured,
“Hey, this isn’t Elvis with his
 Jail House Rock.”
Yes, I thought they got laughed
off the stage by these tough,
hardened inmates.
Actually, I could not have been more wrong;
the choir was clear that one of their members
had just died and this was in memoriam.
The inmates’ response was not just respectful,
it was beautiful.
That’s just touching,
and helps restore one’s faith in human nature.
grace, peace, and love to you,