Thursday, July 17, 2014

How I met Moses & an uplifting song



well my dear ones,



After spending nearly a year

just sitting there sadly in the garage,

my doc gave me the thumbs up that I could

fire up the old Harley and ride it again;

so I went on a retreat to “Man Camp,”

a place where guys go to learn how

to be better husbands

(and no guy I met there had any problem

 getting their wife to fund their trip *lol*).


I got to ride up with my buds, Bryan and Ivan,

and since Ivan was from the area,

he took us on a tour of the

North and South Carolina mountains.


On one of the mountaintops

up in the Blue Ridge mountains,

we ran into Moses,

who had just come from an awesome place

known as Pretty Place Chapel.


The real name is Symmes Chapel,

but it is called “Pretty Place”

because of the amazing view;

here’s some pics, but if you ever get

to Cleveland SC, you should see it live;

it’s a beautiful, quiet, restful place.

It has a quote from the 121st Psalm,

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills…”

and then you look out upon the hills;

it’s just a gorgeous view:



Anyway, Moses (full name “Holy Moses”)

was really cool, and we got to chat for a bit.

And since all mountains belong to God,

I guess I can truthfully say,

“I met Holy Moses on the mountain of God.” =D


Here’s a pic of him:




Yes, he’s one cool doggie;

I was starting to miss all my furry friends,

so Moses made my day.


He kept sniffing my jacket pocket,

so his owner’s like,

“He sniffing like you have dog treats in there.”


Me: “Actually, I do have some cat treats;

     they’re in a sealed plastic bag,

     but I think he still smells them.”


Her: “I don’t know if he’ll eat them.”


Moses: “mmmph, mmmph, mmmph!”

       [translation: “gimme some treats!”]



Well, he scarfed down a bunch of them;

and later on in the day,

when we went to see Triple Falls...


[Another awesome place; here’s some pics]



...we saw a dog about 50 yards ahead on the trail.

Bryans’ like, “hey, that looks like Moses.”


So I yelled out his name,

and Moses came flying over and gave me

the sad doggie look

(dog owners, you know what I mean;

 cat owners, it’s pretty much the same

 as the sad kitty look, the old,

 “wah! Look at me; I’m all fur and bones;

  I’m starvin’; please feed me!” *lol*);

so I dusted off a nice flat rock for him,

and he scarfed down another pile of treats.


There’s just something about being out

in nature, seeing God’s creation,

that I find so restful,

especially when I’m on a mountain with a view.


[here’s the view from Caesar’s Head]




I hope some of that peaceful restfulness

comes through to you.



But if you need another reminder

that God is there, and God cares

(like about YOU specifically =>),

then check out this little song,

“You Believe”:



There are like a Gazillion songs on YouTube,

but this catchy little tune has the distinction

of being written by artists I personally know,

three friends who wrote it to encourage people;

and as you well know, I’m all about that. =D


Have a great week! =)


grace, peace, and love to you,


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

View from Caesars Head

Triple Falls, third set of falls

Triple Falls, second set of falls

Triple Falls, first set of falls


Pretty Place Chapel003

Pretty Place Chapel002

Pretty Place Chapel001