Monday, February 08, 2016

best days



Well my dear ones,



A pastor I know, who is also

a Christian motivational speaker,

told a story about a woman

who had written to him.


Suffering from severe depression,

she decided one day

that she would commit suicide the next day.


The next day, just as she was getting up,

her little dog wanted to go outside;

in the process of jumping around,

he stepped on the remote control

and turned on the TV.


It just so happened that at that moment,

this pastor was on TV speaking about

the words of the prophet Joel:


“So I will restore to you the years

that the swarming locust has eaten,

The crawling locust,

The consuming locust,

And the chewing locust,

My great army which I sent among you.


“You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied,

And praise the name of the Lord your God,

Who has dealt wondrously with you;

And My people shall never be put to shame.


“Then you shall know

that I am in the midst of Israel:

I am the Lord your God

And there is no other.

My people shall never be put to shame.”


And the point he made on this

is that our best days are still ahead of us.


When the woman heard that her best days

were still in the future,

she put off her plan,

and went to a local church to learn more

about this scripture (Joel 2:25-27).


So, do you think it was a coincidence

that he dog turned on the TV

at that exact moment in time?


Sounds to me a lot more

like a Divine appointment. =D


I pray the same may happen to all

who ever need such intervention.



Have a blessed week!


grace, peace, and love to you,




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