Thursday, December 03, 2015 any?




Well my dear ones,



It’s that crazy time of year again,

the holiday season,

the pre-Christmas season,

the time between Thanksgiving

and the start of the New Year,

the time when many of us are


and filled with anxiety.


Many of us have thoughts like:


“When will I find the time and money

to buy all the things I think I need to buy

for all the people for whom I think

I need to get them?


“How will I divide up all the time,

the precious little time we have,

to meet with all the extended family

while making sure that no one

feels like they got left out

or short-changed?


“How will I EVER get done

all the HUNDREDS of things

that ‘I’ think I need to do?!?!?!?!?”


Well, the first thing I need to do

is to get the focus off of myself,

and the things that ‘I’

have managed to convince myself

need to be done.


My friend, Jon, gave a talk on this

just this past weekend;

it was quite timely,

and I’d like to share the highlights

for any of us that might be thinking,

“ any?

 Oh yeah, I’ve got plenty, pal!

 Here, let me lend you some!” #_#


He had three main points to consider:


1) I can't control everything...

...but I know that God is in control!


2) I can't please everyone...

[that hit home! I can’t tell you how many times

 I have tried to do that and failed miserably!!!]

...but the only One I need to please is God alone.


3) I can't get this time back...but I can allow

God to show me what I need to do in this moment.


Roger that.

Whenever I pray about what I should do,

instead of freaking out and trying to

“do it all”

I wind up doing less

yet having more peace about it

as I truly feel the right things got done.


And while it's true that we

cannot get this exact time back,

I was reminded of this Bible verse

(a dave-fave =>):


"So I will restore to you the years

 that the swarming locust has eaten" 


 ---Joel 2:25



So whatever we think we have lost out on,

if we are faithful to God and follow His ways,

He will hook us up and restore us in ways

that we cannot even fathom. 


And who couldn’t use a little restoration

at this time of year?


I pray for a little restoration,

a little peace,

and a little less anxiety for all of you! =D



Have a great week!


grace, peace, and love to you,



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