the edge of the woods and his own backyard
Dave sits in one of his wife's gardens
as he talks with his mentor and muse, Titania*
*looking from garden to lawn*
"I've always thought lawns
to be rather strange things.
"I mean, power mowers didn't even
until 1830; then in 1868,
Frederick Olmsted invented
the American lawn concept,
and in 1870, Frank Scott decided
to promulgate this idea on a grand scale.
I've read that 50,000 square miles
of this country is covered
in manicured lawns."
*tries to hand her an article*
can be seen here:
*waving away the article*
I knew them both,
and the span of a century
has lessened their arrogance
not a whit.
"Look at that border..."
"...on one side
flowers grow as God intends;
on the other, you fertilize grass to grow
only that you might smash it down
before it can ever come to bloom;
better would it be fed to goats and calves;
lawns are but an abuse of your free will,
your vain attempt to feel as if
you can control Nature,
when only Nature's God controls it.
"Consider rather what your wife
"All life began in a garden;
your wife listens to the trees
as they whisper the faint reverberations
of the Song of Songs
when the One sang all things into being,
and the angels, firstborn of all Creation,
picked up the melody
and clapped their hands
and sang with joy.
"Her heart hears the echoes of the
hence, she partners with the Creator
to try and get back to the simplicity
of the garden.
"And for that,
she is rewarded with this beauty."
*Once again, the Faerie Queen
speaks to Dave of the things that were,
the things that are,
and the things that must yet
come to
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