Wednesday, August 12, 2015

higher than your ways


Well my dear ones,



Back at the beginning of the month,

in “more than you think,”

I talked about developing

our God-given talents.


Some people were worried about

having the time to work on things,

as in, they are older,

and might it not be too late;

like can God restore the time

they could have used on their talents

yet spent on other things?


A good question; to answer it,

I’ll have to dial the clock back

about 2800 years,

back to the year 835 BC,

to the time of the prophet Joel:

“So I [God] will restore to you

the years that the swarming locust has eaten.”

(Joel 2:25)


There’s a lot of hope there,

like that it’s never too late

... I love that!


Moving on to a more difficult question,

I could ask why I only had Fuzzy

for such a short time?


Yes, the poor little possum passed on;

one night, she came into the yard

looking dehydrated, so I gave her

some water through a straw,

and she went back into the woods.


Yet the next night,

I found her expired,

not in the woods,

but back in our, her, backyard.


You could ask,

“Why did God allow me to save her,

 only to have her die

 a short time later?”


That’s a hard one,

and I have thought much on it

over the last few days.


I recalled the lesson I learned

from having Queenie;

I may have only had her

for a very short time,

but it was an important piece of time.






In the same way, Fuzzy the possum,

died with a name,

in a yard that was her home;

she was loved and cared for.


And I think that’s the important point;

God wants to stretch our hearts;

the more we learn to love,

the greater our capacity to love.


Since “God is love”

(not just has love =>),

and since God wants us

to be more like God,

then every little stretch of our hearts

is important.

Whenever we love a person,

or a pet,

even for a very short time,

we draw closer to the Divine;

and that’s no small thing.


grace, peace, and love to you,



“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

--- Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV


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