Friday, February 14, 2014

the pinnacle


well my dear ones,



I hope you have been having

a great Valentine’s Day so far.

Now, if you will, let me add to it.


So, what do you think

is the pinnacle of all creation?

The sun?  The moon?  The stars?

Actually, it’s you; it’s me; it’s us.


“For we are God’s masterpiece.

 He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,

 so we can do the good things

 he planned for us long ago.”

   --- Ephesians 2:10


There’s only one thing in the universe

created in the image of God,

and that would be us.

Not even angels can make that claim.

Pretty cool, yes?


Do you ever get down on yourself?

Think you’re not all you can be?


Then take a look in the mirror

and consider this:

You are the pinnacle of creation,

God’s masterpiece.

And God loves you with a love

that you cannot in this lifetime

even begin to fathom.


How’s that for a Valentine?


Happy Valentine’s Day to you!



Have a great week! =)


grace, peace, and love to you,



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