Wednesday, July 17, 2013

All creatures great and small



well my dear ones,



For the past 5 weeks,

we’ve had nothing but storms here.


Hence, we’ve got some small creatures

here in the sanctuary that know nothing

…except rain,

because that’s all they’ve seen

in their little lives so far.


Here they are hiding from the lawnmower:




And here they are close up:




Yes, small as they are,

they’ve learned to climb that wooden ladder.

And since that porch has a flat fabric roof

with an angled waterproof covering,

they can hang out up there and ride out any storm.


After one of the recent storms,

I went out the next morning

(later than usual after out-waiting the rain)

and every animal in the sanctuary was moaning

as if they hadn’t eaten for a week.


As I stood there listening to them,

all I could think about was

how I couldn’t even imagine

what it would be like to have kids crying

and to not have the food to feed them!


Then, as I filled up the food bowls,

all I could do was thank God

that we have the resources

to buy the food to feed all these critters.


It seems the older I get

the more I give thanks

for the things I used to take for granted.


May you be blessed as much as I am

that you may have plenty

for which to be thankful.



Have a great week!  =)


grace, peace, and love to you,



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