Monday, March 18, 2013

new life


well my dear ones,


Daisy is a loving little spud,

a fluff ball of a cat that just

showed up on our front porch one day;

she’s quite tame,

obviously abandoned by someone.



Two other abandoned cats have nipped ears,

a sign that they’ve been neutered

and I thought this one was, too;

however, my wife was right and I was wrong;

yesterday, Daisy, had a bunch of little daisies!


The first day, we just peeked in at them;

but today, when Momma wanted some food,

she actually trusted me to watch over the babies.

She let me pet her while she nursed them,

and then allowed me to pet them while she ate.


There’s something just so cool about new life,

little critters that have just been born;

and it’s an amazing feeling to have

one of God’s creatures trust you with her babies.


Perhaps these pictures can convey

some sense of that:





Have a great week!  =)


grace, peace, and love to you,



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