Sunday, January 04, 2015




Well my dear ones,



I sincerely hope all is going well so far

in this barely started New Year;

yet, if not, remember that tomorrow

is a fresh new start;

actually, every tomorrow is a fresh new start

because grace never ends.


As I’ve mentioned before,

I spend a lot of time observing our

little furry friends;

and cats and dogs have taught me a lot

about the nature of our universe,

as in, the way things were meant to be

before we, in our “wisdom,”

messed with the Designer’s intentions. =>


If we listen to the messages

of our current society,

one would think that sex is the most

important thing;

based on the ink it gets,

an external observer to our dear earth

might well conclude that it is

our greatest need.




While your average teenager

would likely concur with that,

it’s hogwash, of course. *lol*


The first biblical admonition is,

“to be fruitful and multiply,”

and God made sex pleasurable

likely to make it easier for us to comply.


Yet there have been plenty of people

who have been celibate their entire lives,

showing that sex isn’t even a need,

at least not on an individual level

(although it obviously is

 for the human race in general! =>).


No, the greatest need,

the thing all people seek,

even more than money, sex, or fame,

is to be loved

(although some that have been burned

 early in life through a false love

 may be so hurt that they seek

 these other things as a replacement

 for the love they think they cannot get).


And I see this need reflected

in the lives of our small furry friends.


As I type this, one-handed,

I’m petting a cat (Riley) that was

rescued at just a few weeks of age;

raised as a bottle-fed kitty,

as far as he is concerned,

I’m like his mother. *lol*

He often sleeps on my chest

(so I can barely breathe;

 he’s no tiny kitten anymore,

 except, perhaps, in his little kitty brain)

with his head tucked under my chin

and his front paws wrapped around my neck.





A few weeks ago,

an abandoned cat (Tony)

showed up on our front porch.

He’s a tough old tomcat;

but if you raise a hand,

or move your foot,

toward him quickly,

he freaks out,

and darts away.


It’s pretty obvious that

the people who abandoned him

beat the poor thing,

likely many times,

before throwing him out on the street.


Yet in spite of this,

if you sit still,

he will come up and rub against

your foot or your leg,

hoping to be scratched.

That’s how much he craves to be loved

in spite of the abuse people

heaped on him in the past.


Perhaps because of his past,

Tony is the kind of a cat

who needs a single-cat home

where he can get lots of love

and plenty of attention.

I’m working with my animal rescue friends

to find him a loving home.





We have a cat, Riah,

who was the first animal we rescued

when we moved here;

she absolutely adores my wife,

and will sit in her lap for hours. 


Lately, it’s been cold here,

so my wife hasn’t been out back

in the screen-in porch

(Riah’s domain =>).

These past few days,

I’ve been spending extra time with her.

And even with her favorite treats  

sitting in a bowl just a couple feet away,

she will remain in my lap

until I literally pry her off.

Yes, she will choose love over food any day.





And the one dog I had, Queenie,

even though I only had her for a few hours,

taught me lots about the importance of love.

Despite that she had been on her own for months

(as I later found out)

and hadn’t had a lot of human interaction,

when she got hit by a car that broke both hips

she didn’t resist at all, or nip at me,

but rather let me lift her out of the road

(and let me give a big ‘thank you’

 to the tractor trailer drivers

 who drove around us and even

 went nearly onto the grass when they realized

 I was trying to rescue a dog)

and put her in the back of my truck.




(if you missed that one, you can read the

 Full story of Queenie here:



Even though it turned out she was hurt too badly

that there was nothing the vet could do,

it was still worth rescuing her.


In the final hour of her life,

Queenie had a name,

and an owner

(I listed myself as her owner of record;

 just like with the sanctuary, as I see it,

 whatever person or animal in need

 God chooses to put in our path

 is somehow our responsibility).

Also, she died surrounded by people

who were praying for her,

and held by someone who loved her

even if it was only for a short while.


I may have only had her in my life

for an extremely short time,

yet she taught me a very valuable lesson:

love is not some commodity

that you can run out of;

the more love you give,

the more God will replenish it

and give you even more love to give.

There's no limit to the number

of pets or people you can love.




Have a great week. =)


grace, peace, and love to you,




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