Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!


Well my dear ones,



Happy New Year 2015!

I pray you have a blessed

and most awesome year.  =D


Perhaps last year

wasn’t all that you hoped it would be,

and maybe you’re truly wishing for

things to be different this time.


After all, it’s a whole new year

and you’re starting off with

a clean slate, right?


Well, I used to think that way,

but now I don’t get too hung up

on New Year’s Day;

to me, it’s just Day 7 of

the Twelve Days of Christmas.


Yet there’s a good reason

I don’t put that much stock

in this one day;

too many of us make resolutions,

with great intentions,

and then, just as soon as we break one,

we figure, that’s it, it’s all over,

and now we have to wait all the way

until next New Year’s Day

for another chance.


To anyone who may be thinking that way,

I’ve got good news for you:

you have a new chance

for a fresh new start

every single day.


The Bible is clear that:

“This is the day which the Lord has made;

 Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

 --- Psalm 118:24 (NASB)


And it is also clear that you,

not anything else in the entire universe

but you, we, are God’s masterpiece.


“For we are God’s masterpiece.

 He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,

 so we can do the good things

 he planned for us long ago.”

 --- Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)


God, the Great Artist,

is working day by day

on an amazing work of art,

and that is us.


Pretty humbling, is it not?


The only thing that messes up the artwork me.


I screw up...all the time.


But the cool thing is,

each time I do,

I sincerely pray,

“Let this, too, be covered

 under the blood of Jesus.”


And then it’s gone,

never to be remembered against me

ever again.


Then I wake up to the dawn of a new day,

fresh with possibilities.


Hence, if it helps at all,

this is how I intend to view 2015.

I plan to see it as 365 opportunities

to say,

“Hey God, can you blot out the yucky stuff,

 please not give up on me,

 and keep on perfecting me?

 I know I’m not perfect, not even close,

 but I also know You’re not done with me yet.”


May each day be that fresh new start for you;

and if you fall down 8000 times,

may God lift you up 8001!



Have a great week. =)


grace, peace, and love to you,




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