Wednesday, June 11, 2014



well my dear ones,



When it comes to “news”

I don’t care as much about the newness of it

as I do about the coolness of it.


A friend of mine told me about a girl named

Skyler, who just graduated from high school.


There wouldn’t be anything too unusual about

that except that 18 years ago,

the day she was born,

she was abandoned in a graveyard

in the freezing cold of an Illinois winter.


An anonymous phone call was made

and a search and rescue team went to the

specified area, only to find nothing.


A volunteer firefighter heard the call

on his scanner, and on a hunch,

went to a different but close-by graveyard,

where he found the baby buried in leaves

under a pine tree.


He handed her over to paramedics

and never saw her again for 18 years,

although he did follow her career

in the newspapers.


Shortly before her graduation,

her adopted parents tracked the fireman down

and invited him to their daughter’s graduation.


When she first saw him

Skyler asked, “And who are you?”

And he told her,

“We met once before,

 back on November 4, 1995.”


That’s when she realized who Charlie was.


Way cool, and you can see the news on it here:



The word is that after she graduates

from college she hopes to be a pastor.


Perhaps so, and perhaps Skyler will help

a great many people.


But whatever she does,

I have to wonder how many people have already

been lifted up by her story?

Like how many people will be inspired

by the rescue Charlie made

on that cold November day?


This side of heaven,

we’ll never know the exact number,

but I pray it’s a great multitude.



Have a great week. =)


grace, peace, and love to you,



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