Saturday, August 09, 2014

our heroic furry friends



Well my dear ones,



I was reading an article today that had a link

to a blast-from-the-past,

a heart-warming story about a pit bull

that took a bullet and lost her leg

in order to save her family.


I know that breed in particular

is often maligned,

but you have to love this little girl:




That led me to another story of a pit bull

that saved her owner from being hit by a train

by pulling her to safety, and in the process,

being hit by the train herself:




And that led me to do a search on heroic dogs,

yielding some cool stories that lifted me up.



25 Heroic Dogs and How They Saved People:




Incredible stories of dogs saving human lives:




In the  Bible, Jesus points out that,

“Greater love has no one than this,

than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

(John 15:13 NKJV)


Besides people doing that,

there have been dogs that did so.

Check out the link below to see

10 dogs that saved their owners

by making the ultimate sacrifice:




I recall that Disney movie,

“All Dogs Go to Heaven.”

I’d say there is much justification

for that thought.  =D



Not to leave out our other furry friends,

there have also been some heroic cats:












It’s no wonder so many of us treat

our doggies and kitties as family members.

As these stories show,

they are some of God’s most awesome gifts to us.




Have a great week. =)


grace, peace, and love to you,



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