Sunday, December 02, 2012




well my dear ones,


I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving.


I've been contemplating it for awhile now,

and I see I have much for which to give thanks.


And, in retrospect,

I wish I had prayed more

and worried less.


When my wife was told she might have cancer,

I should have prayed more;

but instead I worried a whole big bunch.


The doctor who operated on her

told me that the doctor who sent her for tests

saved her life,

because in 4 more months,

she would have had cancer... I said, I wish I'd prayed more,

but God hooked her up, big time.


Then, after a LOT of testing,

my wife was diagnosed with MS.

I should have prayed about it more,

but instead I worried a whole big bunch.


After over a year of Tai Chi

(and the special healing aspects of Qi Gong),

she has a green belt

and her MS is under control,

plus she has not had to take ANY medication.

I wish I'd prayed about it more,

but God hooked her up big time.


So, when my wife had heart problems recently,

well, I'm sure you're thinking,

"Hey Dave,

God hooked you up twice already,

so surely you've learned your lesson;

surely you prayed this time

instead of worrying."


Thank you for thinking so kindly of me,

but no, I only prayed a little bit,

and instead I worried a whole lot.


Yet, once again,

God hooked her up big time.

Although my wife has an issue

with the internal pacemaker in her heart

(the natural internal pacemaker we all have),

it's something easily solvable with medication;

and it looks like even that

will only have to be short term.


Hence, as the end of the year approaches,

and the holiday season draws nigh,

I find myself counting up my blessings,

and giving thanks for a great many things.


I hope you all have much

for which to give thanks, too.


Have a great week!


grace, peace, and love to you,




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