Thursday, November 24, 2011


well my dear ones,

I am way behind, and well aware of it;
I've been sick for awhile (better now),
and when I'm sick,
I have trouble thinking,
let alone writing *lol*

I was sitting around today
doing some accounting
as in,
making a list and
taking stock of what things I have
for which to be thankful...

I've been sick...scratch that.

My wife is sick...scratch that.

Then as I was looking through some artifacts,
I came across a book my wife gave me
with this dedication in it:

"I love you more
 than words can express.
 You are truly a blessing to me."

See it here:

Anyone who has someone
who gives them a dedication like that
is already blessed beyond belief
and has plenty for which to be thankful.

I pray you are able to find plenty
for which you can be thankful, too.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.  =)

Have a great week!

grace, peace, and love to you,


"What we have done for ourselves alone
dies with us;
what we have done for others and the world
remains and is immortal."
                       --- Albert Pike


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